Section 25 of 38
Chapter 24: Vessels
24.165 Vessel Agents (VC §§9858 and 9858.1)
Vessel agents are appointed, but not licensed, by DMV and assigned a unique vessel agent number which is entered on registration documents. They may accept registration and/or transfer applications for undocumented vessels and issue permanent vessel numbers and temporary certificates of number.
For motorized vessels, vessel agents must provide buyers of motorized vessels with a set of the Vessel Carbon Monoxide Warning Stickers and the companion brochure, and instruct the buyer to affix the stickers as explained in the ABCs of California Boating (BOAT 3).
Documentary Preparation Fee—Vessel agents have the option of charging a documentary preparation fee not to exceed $20. It is not required or collected by DMV.
Vessel agents must send their work directly to DMV headquarters with a Transmittal of Vessel Registration Applications (ADM 173) form. Field offices cannot accept registration applications and/or fees from vessel agents or supply them with accountable items/forms. Only the Vessel Section in Registration Processing Unit (RPU) II processes vessel agent work.
Questions Regarding a Vessel Agent’s | Are Referred to |
Registration or transfer application | Registration Operations Vessel Section MS E272 PO Box 942869 Sacramento, CA 94269-0001 (916) 657-6288 or 657-6893 |
Request for accountable items | Occupational Licensing Unit MS N224 PO Box 932342 Sacramento, CA 94232-3420 (916) 229-3126 |
Application for appointment | The local DMV Investigations office. |
Duties, requirements, and responsibilities |