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Chapter 13: Commercial Vehicles
13.005 Body Changes and Alterations
13.010 Commercial Vehicle Definitions
13.015 Commercial Vehicle Exclusions
13.020 Commercial Vehicle Registration Act of 2001 (CVRA)
13.025 Conversion From Auto to Commercial License Plates
13.030 Conversion From Commercial to Auto License Plates
13.035 Credit for Unused Weight Fees
13.045 Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (FHVUT)
13.050 Financial Responsibility
13.075 Motor Carrier Permit Program
13.090 Passenger-Type Vehicles With Commercial Registration
13.095 Partial Year Registration (PYR) for Commercial Vehicles
13.100 Permanent Fleet Registration (PFR)
13.105 Permanent Fleet Registration (PFR) Offices
13.110 Pickup With a Camper Attached
13.140 Unladen Weight Exclusions