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Chapter 20: Replacements and Substitutes
20.030 Disabled Person (DP) Parking Placards (VC §22511.55 and §22511.56)
A placard owner may obtain a substitute DP placard if the original placard (permanent or temporary) is lost, stolen, or mutilated.
The following must be submitted:
- A REG 156.
- The fee, if applicable, for a temporary DP placard only. No fee is required for a replacement permanent DP placard.
The procedures below must be followed:
- Verify that the applicant had an unexpired DP placard.
- Pick up and destroy any mutilated DP placard.
- Issue a new DP placard and ID card.
An application for DP placard (REG 195) form, with the Doctor’s Certification of Disability section completed, is required after a DP placard is cancelled for any reason (for example, misuse, fraud reported by law enforcement, or erroneous application).
The following must be submitted:
- A new REG 195 with Sections A through E completed by applicant as appropriate and Sections F and G completed by doctor.
The procedures below must be followed:
- Review REG 195 and verify the form is complete.
- Issue a new DP placard.
DP placards renewals are no longer automatically mailed to out-of-state addresses.
The following must be submitted:
- A REG 156 to renew their DP placard when their address is listed as out-of-state.
Substitute DP placards are not allowed for an organization. The organization must reapply for an original DP placard.