Section 23 of 38
Chapter 22: Corrections and Adjustments
22.020 Change or Correction of Lienholder/Legal Owner Name (VC §§4150 and 4453)
The lienholder/legal owner (LO) true full name must be shown on the California Certificate of Title and/or registration card. The certificates and vehicle record must be corrected if the LO name changes or is shown incorrectly on the certificates.
Change of Name—The following must be submitted:
- The California Certificate of Title or an Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title (REG 227) form.
— The LO new name must be printed on the back of the title; however, a signature is not required.
— The LO address must also be shown on the back of the title. - A name change document as follows:
If the LO Is | And Is | The Following Must Be Submitted |
An individual | N/A | The Name Statement portion of the Statement of Facts (REG 256) form completed by the owner. |
A business | Operating as a corporation | A copy of the Board of Director’s Resolution authorizing the change. • Accept one copy for a fleet. Attach it to the title for one of the vehicles. • Make the notation “Name Change, Refer to License # (show #)” on each of the other titles. |
Operating in partnership | A REG 256 completed by the owner stating there is no change in the business entity. | |
Owned by an individual |
A change in business entity or structure is a transfer, not a name change.
Example: The addition or loss of a partner, change from a partnership to a corporation, or merger of two or more corporations are business structure changes.
- A duplicate title fee, if applicable. No fee is due solely for a name change.
The following must be submitted to DMV headquarters:
- The California Certificate of Title or Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title (REG 227) form.
- The Name Statement portion of the Statement of Facts (REG 256) form completed by the owner.
- A duplicate title fee, if applicable. No fee is due solely for a name correction.
Correction of Name—The following must be submitted:
- The California Certificate of Title or a completed REG 227.
- The Name Statement portion of the REG 256 completed by the owner.
- A duplicate title fee, if applicable. No fee is due solely for a name correction.
The Procedures below must be followed:
- Must determine the name is actually incorrect. Some names cannot be printed on the certificates exactly as written or shown on an application because DMV’s automated name index (ANI) would not recognize the name correctly in its divided/hyphenated state. In such cases, the name is correct as shown and it is important to explain this to the owner.
Example: Divided or hyphenated surnames, such as De La Cruz or White-Smith, would appear on the certificates as DELACRUZ or WHITESMITH. This does not apply to separated business or company names.
- The incorrect name must be lined through on the front of the title.
- The correct spelling of the name must be clearly printed above the incorrect name.
- No entries on the reverse side of the title must be made.