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Chapter 1: General Registration Information
1.005 Adhesive Labels on Documents
1.010 Assignment of Registration Expiration Date
1.015 Authority to Grant or Refuse Application
1.030 Confidentiality of Home Address
1.040 Definitions for Clearing, Suspense, and Incomplete Applications (RDF)
1.045 Designating Legal Ownership
1.050 Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) Program
1.055 Highlighters on Documents
1.060 Junk or Salvage Vehicles VIN Inspections
1.070 Legibility of Writing or Lettering
1.090 Name and/or Address Too Long
1.095 Name Statement Requirement
1.100 Notary–Expiration Date of Commission on Documents
1.105 Photocopy/Fax Copy of Documents
1.110 Q Series License Plate Numbers
1.115 Registration by Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
1.125 Signature by Power of Attorney (POA)
1.130 Signature by Relative of Military Owner
1.135 Signatures and Endorsements
1.140 Statement to Record Ownership/Error or Erasure
1.150 Unclaimed Certificates, Receipts, License Plates, and Stickers
1.155 Vehicles Exempt From Registration
1.160 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Plate Assignments
1.170 VIN Check-Digit Requirements
1.175 17-Digit VINs on Vehicles (FMVSS Regulations, Part 565)