Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual

Driver Education illustration

Section 29 of 38

Chapter 28: Bundle Listings

28.005 Completing a Transmittal of Registration Applications (FO 247)

  • The Transmittal of Registration Application (FO 247) must be submitted in duplicate but may be prepared in triplicate if a receipt for the applications is requested before being processed.
    • A separate check for each transmittal is preferred, but not required.
    • Check with your local DMV/IBC office.
  • After the transactions are processed, the original FO 247 is retained by DMV and the duplicate is returned to the submitter, along with a reconciliation report and any returned items.
    • The objective of using the transmittal is clarity.
    • If necessary, use two lines for an entry rather than crowding the information on one line.
    • Notations, such as “posting fees only,” may be shown on the transmittal in the designated column.

The updated procedures on how to complete the FO 247 are on the form.