Section 25 of 38
Chapter 24: Vessels
24.005 ABCs of California Boating (BOAT 3)
24.010 Amphibious Vehicle/Vessel Dual Registration
24.015 California-Assigned Vessel Numbers (CF)
24.020 Change or Correction of Address
24.025 Change or Correction of Name
24.030 Change or Correction of Vessel Description
24.035 Change From Documented To Undocumented
24.040 Change From Undocumented To Documented
24.045 Commercial Deep Sea Fishing Vessels
24.050 Delinquent Property Taxes
24.055 Duplicate Certificate Number
24.060 Duplicate Certificate of Ownership
24.070 Historical Vessel Plaques
24.075 Hull Identification Numbers (HINs)
24.080 Inboard or Inboard/Outboard (Sterndrive) Emission Certification
24.095 Notice of Sale of Vessel Registrations
24.100 Old Vessel Certificates
24.105 Original Vessel Registrations
24.110 Out-of-State Vessel Registration/Titling Agencies
24.120 Quagga/Zebra Mussel Fee
24.125 Reclassifications of Vessel Class
24.170 Vessel Carbon Monoxide Stickers
24.175 Vessels Not Required to Be Registered