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Chapter 15: Off-Highway Vehicles
15.050 Dual Registration (VC §§4000 and 38010)
The term dual registration refers to a vehicle which is registered for both on-highway (regular registration) and off-highway operation. OHV indicia is not required for a vehicle registered on-highway and operated off-highway.
Noncomplying OHVs do not qualify for dual registration. Refer to the Registration of Noncomplying OHV section in this chapter.
Dual registration applicants should be informed that both on-highway and OHV registration fees must be paid as long as dual registration continues. Vehicles with dual registration have both OHV and regular registration expiration dates.
The California Certificate of Title is always issued from the on-highway application and “No OHV Title Issued” is printed on the OHV registration. A vehicle currently issued nontransferable (nontitle/goldenrod) registration is issued OHV identification and nontransferable on-highway registration.
The OHV registration becomes void, even if it has not expired, when an OHV is converted to on-highway. Do not insist that the applicant request dual registration just because the OHV registration has not expired. Refer to the Conversion from OHV to On-highway section in this chapter for procedures.
See the 19.090 Vehicle Safety System Inspection Program
Emission Standards—The California Air Resources Board (CARB) established emission regulations for on-highway motorcycles beginning with 1978 year models, which require an on-highway motorcycle to have an emission label affixed to the vehicle indicating certification by the manufacturer for on-highway use.
OHV Motorcycle Verification—All new and used off-highway motorcycles converting to on-highway or dual registration on or after January 1, 2004, must be verified only by an authorized DMV employee to determine if the motorcycle complies with the CARB regulations. See the Conversion from OHV to On-highway Registration section in this chapter to determine a motorcycle’s eligibility for on-highway registration.
Original California Dual Registration—Two transactions must be processed as indicated below when on-highway and off-highway registration is requested for a vehicle not previously registered in California (on-highway registration first, OHV registration second).
On-Highway Original Registration—The applicant must submit:
- All original or nonresident vehicle registration requirements.
- A Verification of Vehicle (REG 31) form completed only by an authorized DMV employee for a new or used off-highway motorcycle.
- A Statement of Facts (REG 256) form from the applicant stating they request dual registration on a permanent basis and understand payment of both on-highway and OHV fees will be required.
- A smog certification, if applicable.
- Official brake and light certificates, if applicable. See the 19.090 Vehicle Safety System Inspection Program
- A weight certificate, if applicable.
The procedures below must be followed:
- Determine if the motorcycle can be registered from the OHV Motorcycle Verification information in the Conversion from OHV to On-highway Registration section in this chapter.
- Collect all registration fees due.
- Issue license plates and stickers.
OHV Original Registration—The following must be submitted:
- A completed Application for Title or Registration (REG 343) form.
- A REG 256 from the applicant stating they request dual registration on a permanent basis and understands payment of both on-highway and OHV fees will be required.
The procedures below must be followed:
- Write the on-highway license plate number on the top of the REG 343.
- Collect the OHV fee shown in Appendix 1F.
- Issue an OHV plate.
OHV Registration for Vehicle Registered On-Highway
The following must be submitted:
- A completed REG 343.
- A REG 256 from the applicant stating they request dual registration on a permanent basis and understand payment of both on-highway and OHV fees will be required.
- If ownership is being transferred, the documents required to register the vehicle in the applicant’s name.
- Verify the current on-highway registration on the database.
- Collect the fees due.
- Issue an OHV plate.
On-Highway Registration for Vehicle Registered OHV—Two separate applications must be processed as indicated below when on-highway registration is requested for currently registered off-highway vehicle. (On-highway registration first, OHV registration second).
On-Highway Registration—The following must be submitted:
The OHV Certificate of Title or documents required to register the vehicle in the applicant’s name.
Vehicles originally manufactured for off-highway use without an odometer and converted to on-highway operation are exempt from the odometer disclosure requirement. A REG 31 and/or REG 256 are not required as evidence that there is no odometer on the vehicle.
- A REG 31 completed only by an authorized DMV employee for a new or used off-highway motorcycle.
- Official brake and light certificates.
- A weight certificate for a commercial vehicle.
- A Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGW) (REG 4008) form, if applicable.
- A smog certification, if applicable.
- A REG 256 signed by the owner (signature by power of attorney is not acceptable) stating: “I have received the form CHP ### (appropriate form number must be shown—CHP 888 for motorcycles or CHP 885 for other vehicles) and certify this vehicle is in compliance with all requirements.” These forms can be accessed at
- A REG 256 from the applicant stating they request dual registration on a permanent basis and understand payment of both on-highway and OHV fees will be required.
Four-wheel all-terrain vehicles cannot be registered for on-highway use.
The procedures below must be followed:
- Determine if the motorcycle can be converted to on-highway from the OHV Motorcycle Verification information in the conversion from OHV to On-highway Registration section in this chapter.
- Verify the registration status of the vehicle on the database.
- Collect the fees due for on-highway registration.
OHV Registration—The following must be submitted:
- A REG 256 from the applicant stating they request dual registration on a permanent basis and understand payment of both on-highway and OHV fees will be required.
- Collect OHV renewal fees, if due.
Print the on-highway license number on the DMV file copy of the OHV application.
Amphibious Motor Vehicles—OHV registration may be requested for an amphibious motor vehicle required to be numbered as a vessel. When an original application is submitted for dual OHV and vessel registration, ownership documents must be a part of the OHV application. An OHV Certificate of Title will be issued in lieu of the vessel Certificate of Ownership.