Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual

Driver Education illustration

Section 24 of 38

Chapter 23: Bonds and Certifications

23.035 Return of Motor Vehicle or Vessel Bond Alternatives

A motor vehicle or vessel bond alternative may be returned to the applicant if the following apply:

(CCP §4158)

  • The vehicle/vessel has ceased to be registered in this state for at least three years.
  • The currently valid California certificate of ownership is being surrendered to DMV.

Return of Lawful Money of the United States (Cash Deposit)

An Application for Refund (ADM 399 (PDF)) form, may be submitted to DMV for a refund of the cash deposit to the address shown on the ADM 399 (PDF).

Return of a Bearer Bond, Certificate of Deposit, and Assignment as Security

The depositor must send a written request for the return of the certificates of deposit, bearer bonds, investment certificates, share accounts, or savings account to DMV at:

Department of Motor Vehicles
Registration Processing Units, MS C271
PO Box 942869
Sacramento, CA 94269-0001