How Big is the DMV?
- Locations: 222 facilities
- Employees: 9,019 (approximate)
- Registered Vehicles: 35,727,841
- DL/ID cards: 34,496,958
- Auto Clubs: 171
- Business Partner sites: 6,624
Source: DMV transaction data across all service channels. Last updated January 1, 2024.
Where Does the Money Go?
- Local Government (cities/counties): 36%
- California Highway Patrol (CHP): 20.1%
- DMV: 11.7%
- State Highways (CalTrans): 25.9%
- California Air Resources Board (CARB): 1.2%
- General Fund: .5%
- Environmental Protection Agencies: .5%
- Department of Justice (DOJ): .2%
- Other State Agencies: 2.1%
- Reserve for Economic Uncertainties: 1.8%
*Source: 2023-2024 Governor’s Budget. Fees are subject to law changes. California Vehicle Code, California Harbors and Navigation Code, California Civil Code, California Government Code, California Health and Safety Code, California Code of Civil Procedures, and California Revenue and Taxation Code sections noted for reference.