Commercial Requester Accounts

Adult Desk

Any person or business who has a legitimate business need for obtaining DMV information can apply for a Commercial Requester Account. 

Commercial Requester Information Handbook

The Commercial Requester Information Handbook (PDF) contains useful information about what qualifies as a legitimate business need, requirements, account audits, fees and billing, frequently asked questions, and more.

Record Requests, Fees, and Billing

With a Commercial Requester Account, you can access records and information through these methods:


Here are the fees for record requests:

  • Electronic records (driver license or vehicle registration): $2 each
  • Driver license and vehicle registration records: $5 each
  • Copies of microfilmed records or photos:
    • Driver license: $20 for each copy
    • Vehicle registration: $20 for each year
    • Requests for large volumes or bulk requests: $100 per thousand records, in addition to computer run time and programming.


We will send you an invoice when your bill reaches $6, or every three months. 

If paying by check or money order, please indicate your account number on the check or money order and make all checks or money orders payable to DMV.
To avoid processing delays, detach the remittance slip from the invoice statement and submit original remittance with check or money order to the DMV address shown on the invoice. You must return the bottom portion or stub of the original invoice, not a photocopy.

Commercial Requester Account Management

How to Apply, Renew, or Modify

To apply for an account, renew, or modify an existing account, complete and submit your application through the Information Requester Program online service. Below is a list of items that may be required:

You also need to keep the following forms on file:

Additional instructions can be found in the Commercial Requester Account Instructions and Forms Packet (INF 1133) (PDF).


  • You must renew your account every two years.
  • You must notify DMV of any changes to your account within 10 business days of the change.
  • There is no fee for changing a contact person, address, phone number, proposed use, etc.
  • Fees are due if modifications to residence address access are made.
  • An ownership or entity change will require a new application and fee.

Service Provider Accounts

How to Apply, Renew, or Modify

Any vendor or agent requesting DMV records on behalf of a business needs a service provider account. To apply, or to renew or modify an existing account, complete and submit your application through the Information Requester Program online service. Below is a list of items that may be required:

You also need to keep the following forms on file:

Additional instructions can be found in the Commercial Requester Account Application Instructions – Service Provider (INF 1133V) (PDF).


  • You must renew your account every two years.
  • You must notify DMV of any changes to your account within 10 business days of the change.
  • There is no fee for changing a contact person, address, phone number, proposed use, etc.
  • Fees are due if modifications to residence address access are made.
  • An ownership or entity change will require a new application and fee.

Security Requirements

Individuals and businesses enrolled in the Commercial Requester Account Program must follow our security requirements. Enrolled entities must:

  • Maintain the security and integrity of the information they receive. A violation of any provision(s) of the agreement, whether by omission or commission, will be grounds for action by DMV and may result in suspension or termination of service.
  • Ensure compliance with all the security provisions of this agreement. If fraud or abuse is suspected or confirmed, you must notify DMV’s Information Policy and Liaison Branch at (916) 657-5583 within one (1) business day. You must also prepare a written notification containing all facts and mail it to DMV within three business days:

    Department of Motor Vehicles
    Information Policy and Liaison Branch – MS H225
    PO Box 942890
    Sacramento, CA 94290-0890
  • Require every employee (including the system administrator) accessing DMV records, directly or incidentally, to review all guidelines provided in the Commercial Requester Information Handbook (PDF). A violation or noncompliance of any provisions in the handbook, whether by omission or commission, may result in enforcement action taken by DMV. Enforcement actions may include administrative, criminal, and/or civil action against the account and/or individual.
  • Require every employee (including the system administrator) having direct or incidental access to DMV records to sign a copy of the Information Security Statement (INF 1128) (PDF). The INF 1128 is required upon initial authorization for access to DMV records and annually thereafter. A copy of these signed INF 1128 forms must be kept on file at the agency for at least two years following the deactivation or termination of authorization and must be available to DMV on demand.
  • Restrict the use and knowledge of requester codes and operational manuals to employees who have signed an INF 1128 (PDF).
  • Maintain a current list of names of employees authorized to access DMV records. This list must be available to DMV on demand.
  • Not leave access terminals and modems unattended while in active session, unless these devices are secured by a locking device that prevents entry or receipt of information or are placed in a locked room that is not accessible to unauthorized persons.
  • Place video terminals, printers, hardcopy printouts, and any other form of DMV approved records that are located in public access areas so that the records cannot be viewed by the public or other unauthorized persons.
  • Destroy all information received from DMV’s files once its legitimate use has ended. The method of destruction must be effective for the type of record requested and done in a manner so that the record cannot be reproduced or identified in any physical or electronic form.
  • Not disclose its DMV assigned requester code, either orally or in writing, to anyone who is not an employee and has not signed the INF 1128 (PDF) (other than a DMV approved service provider (vendor or agent).
  • Not sell, retain, distribute, provide, or transfer any record information or portion of the record information acquired under this agreement, except as authorized by DMV.

Tracking Records and Information Requests

Keep track of your requests with the Information Requester Log (INF 2115) (PDF). Keep the log in a secure location for two years from the date of your last request.

Frequently Asked Questions

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