Research Studies & Reports

DMV’s Research & Development Branch has been conducting research and producing studies and reports since the 1950s. Research & Development reports help DMV to measure the impact of new laws on making drivers safer. We also identify areas where we can improve our processes, explore new approaches to solving existing problems, and branch out into new opportunities to serve you better. 

Request printed copies of studies and reports by mail at:

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Research and Development Branch
2415 1st Ave. Mail Station: F-126
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 914-8125

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393 Results

Report ID Date Published Title Section Links
71 1979/ 09

The Effectiveness of Accredited Traffic Violator Schools in Reducing Accidents and Violations

By: Raymond C. Peck, Shara Lynn Kelsey, Michael Ratz, & Beverly R. Sherman

To evaluate the effects of accredited traffic violator schools (TVS) on traffic safety

70 1979/ 07

An Evaluation of Probation-by-Mail as an Alternative to Mandatory Hearing Attendance for Negligent Operators

By: Beverly R. Sherman & Michael Ratz

To evaluate the feasibility and traffic safety implications of placing negligent operators on probation by letter without the subjects being scheduled for a hearing.

69 1979/ 06

The Effects of “No Action” Negligent Operator Hearings as an Alternative to Hearings Resulting in Probation

By: Marilee E. Garretson & Raymond C. Peck

To evaluate the effectiveness of negligent operator hearings in which probation is replaced by the imposition of "no action."

68 1978/ 12

An Evaluation of Alcohol Abuse Treatment as an Alternative to Drivers License Suspension or Revocation (Final Report to the Legislature in Accord with Senate Bill (SB) 38-Gregorio)

By: Roger E. Hagen, Rickey L. Williams, Edward J. McConnell, & Charles W. Fleming

To assess the traffic safety impact of using the alcohol abuse treatment strategy as an alternative to license suspension or revocation; to assess the impact of treatment program participation or license suspension/ revocation on a driver's life style; to develop guidelines or recommendations concerning the structure of a first-offender program based upon the results of the SB 330 evaluation and knowledge of the state-of-the-art; and to provide guidelines or recommendations concerning future program or evaluation needs.

67 1978/ 09

Medically Impaired Drivers: An Evaluation of California Policy (Senate Bill 2033 – Garcia)

By: Mary K. Janke, Raymond C. Peck, & Dell R. Dreyer

To evaluate the Department's licensing policies and practices relative to drivers with mental or physical conditions which might affect their ability to drive safely.

66 1978/ 04

Educational Approaches to Driver Improvement: An Experimental Evaluation with Negligent Drivers

By: William C. Marsh

To develop a group driver-improvement program that is more effective in reduction of accident/conviction rates and more cost-beneficial than the standard Group Educational Meeting (GEM).

65 1978/ 12

The Effects of Adding Safe Driving Content to Written Law Tests Administered to Original Drivers License Applicants

By: David Carpenter

A group of original California driver license applicants, composed of experienced (out-of-state) drivers and inexperienced (first-time) applicants, were administered new, expanded written licensing tests. Questions testing Vehicle Code knowledge and knowledge of non-codified safe driving principles were included in order to evaluate possible differential effects on subsequent driving record. The tests were also administered using different passing scores.

64 1978/ 11

The Effects of a Traffic Safety Film or a Drive Test with Counseling Session for Renewal Drivers Licensing Applicants with Poor Prior Records

By: Michael Ratz

To determine if an expanded "safe driving" written knowledge test and a drive test with counseling or traffic safety film would improve the records of renewal applicants with poor three-year prior records.

63 1978/ 07

The Effects of Written Licensing Tests Stressing Knowledge of Safe Driving Principles for Intermediate Record Renewal Applicants

By: David Carpenter

To determine the comparative effects of a new, longer test, stressing knowledge of safe-driving principles, on subsequent driving record. The new tests were administered to renewal applicants who had moderate numbers of collisions and convictions on record, with a control group of comparable drivers receiving standard DMV law tests.

62 1978/ 08

An Evaluation of the California Drive Test in Theme and Variation. Volume I: Treatment Development and Preliminary Evaluation

By: Michael Ratz

To develop two modifications of the standard California drive test--the first to make the test more difficult, the second to make the test more comprehensive and more difficult. In addition, the relationships between scores on the standard and new, more comprehensive, test and biographical and driver record data were to be obtained.