
Featured Forms

Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates (REG 195)

Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title (REG 227)

Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents (REG 156)

Application for Title or Registration/Verification of Vehicle (REG 343)

Bill of Sale (REG 135)

Statement of Facts (REG 256)

ID Title Links
Boat 100

Application for Historical Vessel Plaque (BOAT 100)

Apply for a historical vessel plaque.

Boat 101

Application for Vessel Certificate of Number (Boat 101)

Apply for a registration number, certificate of ownership, and certificate of number for an undocumented vessel.

Boat 101A

Application for Boat Registration Number Dealer-Manufacturer (Boat 101a)

Boat registration number application form for dealer-manufacturers.

Boat 110

Vessel Dealer or Manufacturer’s Sales Tax Certification (BOAT 110)

Boat 111

Vessel Verification (BOAT 111)

Verify a vessel.

Boat 124

Quarterly Physical Inventory (BOAT 124-1)

Report quarterly physical inventory.

Boat 152

Application for Lien Sale Authorization and Lienholder’s Certification Vessel or Vessel/Trailer Valued over $1,500 (BOAT 152)

Boat 156

Notice of Pending Lien Sale for Vessels or Vessel/Trailers Valued at $1,500 or Less (BOAT 156)

Boat 166

Notice of Pending Lien Sale for Vessels or Vessel/Trailers Valued at Over $1,500 (BOAT 166)

Boat 177

Certification of Lien Sale for Vessel or Vessel with Trailer Valued at $1,500 or Less (BOAT 177)