Research Studies & Reports

DMV’s Research & Development Branch has been conducting research and producing studies and reports since the 1950s. Research & Development reports help DMV to measure the impact of new laws on making drivers safer. We also identify areas where we can improve our processes, explore new approaches to solving existing problems, and branch out into new opportunities to serve you better. 

Request printed copies of studies and reports by mail at:

Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados
Research and Development Branch
2415 1st Ave. Mail Station: F-126
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 914-8125

Please include the report number, the number of copies requested, and your name, address, and phone number.

393 Results

Report ID Date Published Title Section Links
49 1974/ 07

The Psychometric Prediction of Negligent Driver Recidivism

By: Richard M. Harano

To determine whether the subsequent driving record of problem drivers could be predicted following a group driver improvement meeting, and to assess the contribution of psychometric and personality test variables in improving prediction.

50 1974/ 01

The Prediction of Driving Record Following Driver Improvement Contacts

By: William C. Marsh & David M. Hubert

To construct prediction equations for post-contact driving records based on three data sources-prior driving record, driver questionnaire responses, and driver improvement analyst (DIA) interview information.

51 1976/ 03

An Evaluation of California’s Drivers Licensing Examination

By: Dell R. Dreyer

To assess the ability of the written knowledge test and the drive test to screen out accident-prone drivers; to provide descriptive data on the licensing process, with particular interest in the performance of older drivers.

52 1976/ 04

An Evaluation of the California Driver Knowledge Test and the University of Michigan Item Pool

By: David W. Carpenter

To evaluate both the written DMV driver licensing test and a large sample of driver knowledge test items selected from the University of Michigan's Highway Safety Research Institute (HSRI) item pool.

53 1975/ 09

Language Survey – Summary Report of a Statewide Field Office Survey Taken to Determine Language Characteristics of Non-English Speaking

By: Research Staff

To conduct a survey to determine the number of non-English-speaking persons attempting to utilize services provided at DMV facilities.

54 1975/ 05

How the Public Views DMV

By: Research Staff

To conduct a survey to determine the general public’s view of DMV.

55 1976/ 06

Longitudinal Study of California Driver Accident Frequencies I: An Exploratory Multivariate Analysis

By: Karen W. Kwong, Jensen Kuan, & Raymond C. Peck

To attempt to develop an optimum accident-prediction system.

56 1976/ 06

Driving Record and Recidivism Following the Purging of Driver Control Action Files

By: David W. Carpenter

To evaluate adequacy of the department's driver action purge policies by analyzing the subsequent driving record of subjects whose files had been previously purged.

57 1976/ 06

The Effectiveness of Traffic Safety Material in Influencing the Driving Performance of the General Driving Population

By: James W. Anderson

To develop new traffic safety materials, tailoring some to the age and sex of the recipient; to determine if mailing such materials to California drivers would reduce subsequent accidents and convictions

58 1977/ 01

The Effects of Range vs. Non-Range Driver Training on the Accident and Conviction Frequencies of Young Drivers

By: Dell R. Dreyer & Mary. Janke

The purpose of this study was to compare the relative effectiveness of a driving range vs. non-range driver education program in increasing skill and reducing accidents and convictions among teenage drivers.